Tuesday, September 22, 2009

South Carolina Gubernatorial Race

As a student of political science and an ardent conservative I must say that Larry Grooms is essentially the embodiment of what conservative principles have to offer, and the candidate South Carolina can most trust.
Contrary to the opinion of voters in the 2008 presidential election: experience matters, and a candidate’s voting record should be the most vital of data for our consideration. Senator Grooms has a 12 year record of true conservatism and pubic service to the people of South Carolina. He has the most conservative voting record in the Senate, from spending and expansion of government to life issues, his record speaks for itself. It is about time a legislator put his power to use, talking points and promises do nothing for the citizenry, and Senator Grooms has shown that his priority lies with the tax payers.
Perhaps the most captivating aspect of Larry Grooms is his embodiment of the American Dream. His political life was not born of pride or want of glory; he became a public servant after having worked his way from a trailer to the business world where he experienced, first hand, the need for reform. He eventually became the founder and president of his own company. It is this drive, experience, and unwavering principle that can lead this state honestly and efficiently.
In the race for the leadership of South Carolina I choose to put my faith in a man who was not only proven himself to the state, but also stands to remind us what true conservatism is.

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